Looking for OG "Quidditch World Cup" gamers (PS2 - 2003) to mod the game if possible

Hey y'all, we got the release of "Quidditch Champions" a few months back. The game is cool and all, don't get me wrong, but it also got me to boot up the PS2 version of the game, "Harry Potter and the Quidditch World Cup", released in 2003.

Both games have little to nothing in common, appart from, you know, you can play Quidditch. Both games have ups and downs, but I have a strong link with the OG one as I remember spending countless hours as a child playing to win the World Cup.

But playing again recently made me realise how stupidly easy this game was. I set the game on the highest difficulty and still won the World Cup in a 16-0 win ratio on my first attempt after years of not touching the game...

This got me wondering if there were any possibilities of modding the game to artificialy increase CPU levels for some more challenge. I have a PS2 version of the game, but if it's to hard to mod I also have access to a PC version, not sure which one's the best.

I haven't dived much yet into decompiling the source code to look at how the AIs are made, so if any of you have any knowledge concerning modding PS2 roms, or just modding in general, any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks!