Snapdragon X Elite will debut in in June 2024 in Windows 12 PCs according to new report

I made a post a few days ago where I theorised that the Snapdragon X Elite will debut in June 2024 with Windows 12 PCs. At the time I was only speculating. A new report regarding Windows 12 emerged which confirms my speculation and adds some more details.

Getting ready for the Snapdragon X Elite

One thing that's interesting is that Hudson Valley will be based on the Germanium platform release, and that platform update is set to hit RTM in April. However, Hudson Valley itself won't RTM until August, with a general release in September or October. The platform changes have more to do with the underlying tech, and it looks like Microsoft wants to have it ready earlier so that Arm devices powered by the Snapdragon X Elite can ship with it preinstalled.

Indeed, it's said that the Germanium platform has important changes for the Snapdragon X Elite and these PCs can't be shipped with the current version of Windows 11, but manufacturers want to ship them in June 2024. As such, these Arm-based PCs will ship with the Germanium platform release, but they won't have all the Hudson Valley features out of the box. They'll have to wait for the update coming a few months later, but it will simply be a cumulative update. For everyone else, Hudson Valley will release alongside the Germanium platform release as one big feature update, like Windows 11 was to Windows 10.

You can read the full article here: