Dan IS a model leftist
I personally consider myself more left than Ethan when it comes to talk of capitalism, socialism etc. and in that way I could even be closer to Hasan in terms of his (presented) political stances.. But I identify with Ethan much more as a HUMAN. Ethan has maintained his genuine humanity and goodwill through all of this, and not become a walking talking piece of propaganda. I believe his politics are informed by his humanity, and not the other way around and that's what's important to me. Even if there are minor disagreements, there is infinitely more common ground.
Enter Dan. Dan is the queen!! No, but seriously - I don't want to make a whole manifesto here or anything, and I know the man himself wouldn't appreicate that anyway.. So I'll just say that Dan is my perfect middle ground and a great example of somebody who engages with these topics in genuine good faith and level headedness. He doesn't speak with an agenda, and in a way I do find him to be inspiring in the current landscape. I'll leave it at that. Thank you Dan. Wan.