Resource: Guide to expanding GZCLP for novices
So I really enjoy giving back to this community but holy smokes there are a lot of directionless people out there asking for T2/T3 selection advice and then the wonky programs they come up with typically have a few of the same flaws so I would rather take a blanket-approach instead of the frequent one-on-one suggestions.
This post aims to be a resource to guide novices when they want to expand from the base GZCLP program of one movement, per tier, per session.
Let's start with the base program:
T1: Squat, 5 sets of 3, last set AMRAP
T2: Bench, 3 sets of 10, no AMRAP
T3: Lat Pulldown, 3 sets of 15, last set AMRAP
T1: OHP, 5 sets of 3, last set AMRAP
T2: Deadlift, 3 sets of 10, no AMRAP
T3: DB Row, 3 sets of 15, last set AMRAP
T1: Bench, 5 sets of 3, last set AMRAP
T2: Squat, 3 sets of 10, no AMRAP
T3: Lat Pulldown, 3 sets of 15, last set AMRAP
T1: Deadlift, 5 sets of 3, last set AMRAP
T2: OHP, 3 sets of 10, no AMRAP
T3: DB Row, 3 sets of 15, last set AMRAP
From here, it is recommended to add T3 movements prior to adding T2 movements. I recommend doing so slowly, always one round of T3s at a time and I further suggest to do so at a rate of one set per week (Example: Wk 1: one set of a new T3, Wk 2: two sets of that T3, Wk 3: three sets of that T3, Wk 4: three sets of that T3, but with the AMRAP).
So how should one decide what the next T3 should be? There are three competing goals that you should be considering when selecting a new T3:
- You could add a T3 that supplements a main lift
- You could add a T3 that works a prehab-type muscle
- You could add a T3 that targets a muscle for an aesthetic goal or a lagging muscle
Obviously, everyone will organize the priority of these goals a bit differently, but I think the order above is also in order of general importance. Let's dissect each of these a bit further.
Additional T3 movement as a supplement for a main lift
In order to choose which muscles to target, we need to first know which muscles are involved most in the four main movements (squat, overhead, bench, deadlift).
- For the squat, the primary and secondary movers are the quadriceps and the glutes.
- For the overhead, the primary and secondary movers are the anterior deltoids and the triceps.
- For the bench, the primary and secondary movers are the pectorals and the triceps.
- For the deadlift, the primary and secondary movers are the hamstrings and the glutes.
So then, you could target these muscles in the T3 range and it should carry over to your main lifts, enabling you to progress further. Remember that the T3 range should be filled primarily with isolation movements instead of compound movements.
Quadriceps can be isolated with Leg Extensions, Anterior Deltoids can be isolated with DB Front Raises (thumbs up, slightly bent elbows), Pectorals can be isolated with Cable Crossovers, Hamstrings can be isolated with Leg Curls.
Note that the secondary movers -- triceps and glutes -- get ~double the work from these compounds than the primary movers (both bench and overhead use the triceps ; both squat and deadlift use the glutes). For this reason, it's suggested to start with the primary movers first and instead isolate these secondary movers if they become a weak point later. You'll learn much more about your individual weak points later when you start stalling to progress on the main lifts.
Using this information we could add a round of four new T3s:
T1: Squat, 5 sets of 3, last set AMRAP
T2: Bench, 3 sets of 10, no AMRAP
T3: Lat Pulldown, 3 sets of 15, last set AMRAP
T3B: Leg Extension, 3 sets of 15, last set AMRAP
T1: OHP, 5 sets of 3, last set AMRAP
T2: Deadlift, 3 sets of 10, no AMRAP
T3: DB Row, 3 sets of 15, last set AMRAP
T3B: DB Front Raise, 3 sets of 15, last set AMRAP
T1: Bench, 5 sets of 3, last set AMRAP
T2: Squat, 3 sets of 10, no AMRAP
T3: Lat Pulldown, 3 sets of 15, last set AMRAP
T3B: Cable Crossover, 3 sets of 15, last set AMRAP
T1: Deadlift, 5 sets of 3, last set AMRAP
T2: OHP, 3 sets of 10, no AMRAP
T3: DB Row, 3 sets of 15, last set AMRAP
T3B: Leg Curl, 3 sets of 15, last set AMRAP
Additional T3 movement as prehab
Weight lifters have a few notoriously under-worked muscles since we focus most on functional strength and on aesthetic goals. In order to not leave those muscles behind, it is good practice to include some sorts of prehabilitation movements that combat these muscle imbalances, especially if you plan to lift for any extended period of time.
Some of the most commonly under-worked muscles are: the posterior deltoid, the rotator cuff group, the hip abductors, and the hip adductors. Both the posterior deltoid AND the rotator cuff group can be targeted with Face Pulls and Supinated Band Pull Aparts. The hip ab/adductors can be targeted with either bands or the machine of the same name.
Using this information we could add a round of four new T3s:
T1: Squat, 5 sets of 3, last set AMRAP
T2: Bench, 3 sets of 10, no AMRAP
T3: Lat Pulldown, 3 sets of 15, last set AMRAP
T3B: Leg Extension, 3 sets of 15, last set AMRAP
T3C: Face Pull, 3 sets of 15, last set AMRAP
T1: OHP, 5 sets of 3, last set AMRAP
T2: Deadlift, 3 sets of 10, no AMRAP
T3: DB Row, 3 sets of 15, last set AMRAP
T3B: DB Front Raise, 3 sets of 15, last set AMRAP
T3C: Leg Adduction, 3 sets of 15, last set AMRAP
T1: Bench, 5 sets of 3, last set AMRAP
T2: Squat, 3 sets of 10, no AMRAP
T3: Lat Pulldown, 3 sets of 15, last set AMRAP
T3B: Cable Crossover, 3 sets of 15, last set AMRAP
T3C: Leg Abduction, 3 sets of 15, last set AMRAP
T1: Deadlift, 5 sets of 3, last set AMRAP
T2: OHP, 3 sets of 10, no AMRAP
T3: DB Row, 3 sets of 15, last set AMRAP
T3B: Leg Curl, 3 sets of 15, last set AMRAP
T3C: Supinated Band Pull Apart, 3 sets of 15, last set AMRAP
Additional T3 movement for aesthetic goals/lagging muscles
Everyone has different muscular balances so it is a very individual thing to select T3s based off of lagging muscles, but people's idea of the ideal body shape varies less so from person to person.
Being extremely general and in no particular order, both men and women usually want: 1) Big lats, 2) Big shoulders, 3) Big arms, 4) Defined core, 5) Big, shapely rear.
- Lats are hit well by those daily pulls (DB Row and Lat Pulldown) so don't cut those out of your program! If anything you should expand this as you get more and more experienced.
- Shoulders are made of three components: Anterior Deltoid, Lateral Head, and Posterior Deltoid (colloquially referred to as front, middle, and rear). If you followed the above advice first, you are now working the front and rear delt well, but missing the middle delt which you can isolate through DB Lateral Raises (Lean slightly forward, thumbs up, slightly bent elbows).
- Arms are also made of three components: Biceps, Triceps, and Forearm group. Many novices think biceps are the key to big upper arms, but the triceps actually constitute ~2/3rds of the size of the upper arm. Biceps can be isolated with any of a variety of Curls. Triceps can be isolated with any of a variety of Extensions. The forearm group will already be worked well through most of the barbell exercises, but if you need additional work, Wrist Curls, Wrist Extensions, and Isometric Grips can all be added.
- Notice I said a defined core and not a big core. Everyone wants that hourglass shape: a skinnier waist than their hips and upper body. The best way to do this is not through exercise but rather through diet; get a BF% of ~15% for men or ~25% for women or lower and you'll pretty much automatically have the core you're looking for. That said, the core is active in every single compound movement we do so it is critical to work this weekly. There are literally hundreds of core exercises to choose from so I won't catalog them here, but do make sure that you don't neglect the obliques. Some people need daily resistance work here while others need only twice a week bodyweight work; time and plateaus will inform you if your core is holding back your lifts.
- A big, shapely rump. If you're following the base program as prescribed, the squat and deadlift are going to do wonders for your size as is. If you still want additional size, consider the Hip Thrust/Glute Bridge or Donkey Kick. Don't neglect those hip abductors either, they will add size to the sides of your rear.
Whoa, there are a lot of muscles to target here, do I need like 6 T3s then to cover everything?
NO. Unless you're trying to be a bodybuilder, please no. Instead, pick just a few to work on at a time. For instance, this three month block I'm really targeting delts and pecs, each twice a week. Next block I'm moving to triceps and traps. You're probably going to get way better growth from this twice a week method instead of hitting four muscles, each only once a week.
Cool, I'm done for today. If you guys liked it and want more info about T2 selection, I'll put that up another day.
Happy lifting all.
Edit: Added some Youtube links to certain exercises that people frequently have improper form on. Yes I realize I look like a Jeff Cavalier shill. No ragrets.