Stay away from Chinese stocks unless you hate money.
The Chinese government can seize those assets whenever they want - that cash isn't really yours as a shareholder. Just look at what happened to DIDI and TAL in 2021 when the CCP decided to crack down. Billions in market value evaporated overnight.
Even BABA with its impressive AI growth and cheap valuation is too risky. The CCP forced Jack Ma out and made him disappear for months. They can change regulations on a whim and US-China tensions are getting worse, not better.
Trump is already planning new tariffs. Chinese stocks might look cheap on paper but there's a reason for those discounts - the risks are massive and mostly out of your control. No thanks.
Stay away from Chinese stocks unless you're cool with potentially losing everything overnight due to politics. The math doesn't matter when the government can change the rules anytime they want.