Fuel consumption in GT7 is a little weird
GT7 provides an undocumented telemetry stream if you hit it with the right packet. This was discovered by Nenkai a while ago. While people have been able to work out some details of the Fuel Modes without it, it seems the information so far has been insufficient to explain it properly.
Let's take the Huracan Gr.3 for a spin on Special Stage X with x8 fuel consumption at full throttle in fourth gear until it hit revlimit:
graph of fuel percentage remaining
You'll note that the graphs don't start at the same point, but that is fine. We're only really concerned with how fast the fuel percentage drops:
graph of fuel used per second
As the RPM goes up, so does the power generated by the engine, and as a result so does the fuel usage at that specific RPM. For example, if you could hold the Huracan at 6600 RPM in FM1 at full throttle at x8 consumption, the fuel tank would drain fully in about 500 seconds. And, for some reason it gets notably worse the higher you go.
Let's compare the fuel modes purely on fuel usage:
Fuel usage relative to FM1
Mintor measurement errors aside, the lines look nice and flat for each Fuel Mode. FM2 is about 88% fuel usage of FM1, FM3 is about 80% fuel usage, FM4 is about 73%, FM5 about 64% and finally FM6 on roughly 56%. However, Fuel Modes also reduce the power so this reduction in fuel usage isn't completely free. With an additional run in the same direction with the clutch disengaged it is possible to work out the shape and relative height of the power curve:
Power curve per FM (ignore the numbers on the vertical axis)
Again PD has made it simple for us because the shape is the same, only the height is affected. Comparing the height gives us: FM2 at 96%, FM3 at 92%, FM4 88%, FM5 84% and FM6 80%. This doesn't quite explain the fuel savings, so we have a trick for this: BSFC. Check the Wikipedia page on it if you're curious.
Brake Specific Fuel Consumption is how much fuel is burned per second to provide one unit of power (eg horsepower). If we plot this out, something interesting happens:
Plotting (sort-of) BSFC
Up to about 6300 RPM for the Huracan Gr.3, each horsepower costs roughly the same amount of fuel. Based on other tests, the graph should basically be flat up to that point, but it seems exaggerated here. Past 6300 RPM, it starts costing more and more fuel to generate a single horsepower. Right up until revlimit, where it costs over twice as much fuel per second. This seems to be why shortshifting works unusually well in GT7. To my knowledge, this is not realistic.
Comparing the BSFC curves to FM1 gives the following numbers: FM2 94%, FM3 88%, FM4 82%, FM5 76%, FM6 70%.
In short: Each level of Fuel Mode means 4% less power and 6% less fuel per HP compared to FM1. However, because of the unusual increase in fuel above a fixed RPM per car, you may be better off just shifting earlier rather than increasing the FM level. To be continued. Thoughts?