I’m a bit disappointed with the XT5 in low light.
I’ve had the XT5 for an almost a year now. I’m disappointed with its low light capabilities.
I’m visiting my parents and the entire family is together so wanted to take some candid family pictures. The house has a lot of ambient lighting (lamps etc) I was hoping that lamps etc would be enough light to get nice sharp pictures.
The lens I’ve been using are:
- Fuji 18-55mm 2.8F
- Fuji 35mm 2F
I was really hoping the 35mm 2F would be able to do well in low light.
Here’s what I do:
I try to keep the ISO low so there’s less noise in the image. I shoot wide open at 2F. But also need shutter speed to fast so I can capture kids and adults in candid moments. If I increase the shutter speed I also need to increase the ISO. I haven’t been able to find a good spot where ISO, Aperture and SS all work.
I don’t want to use a flash because I don’t want the flash going off in a family gathering as it can get annoying.
I can’t change the light, even with all lights on it makes very little difference ( all lights are yellow/warm lights)
I can’t do a slow shutter speed because I don’t want to be carrying around a tripod in the house for candid shoots and also with kids running around the photos will get blurry.
Now I’m not saying the photos are unusable but are not clear or sharp. There’s either a lot of noise or some blurring or some weird texture. I’m constantly fiddling with the control.
Apologies I can’t attach a photo for reference because it’s my family pictures and I don’t want them on the internet.
I think I’m just frustrated that after buying an expensive camera & lens I’m still not getting good pictures.
Is there anything I should be doing differently? Or anything I am doing wrong.
Can anyone here recommend a good low light lens for family pictures?
Apologies this was more of rant!