FOMO from this sub, finally pre-ordered

Long time lurker of this sub. I regularly fly FBW A320 on MSFS 2020. Kept seeing yall getting excited and satisfied over WinWing's MCDU / PFP so i FOMO'ed in as well lmao. Now i cant wait to not having to move my mouse to the MCDU to and using my mouse click for each button, just for my flight plans

Also, any Canadians in here who's got their hands on the MCDU? I'd love some info on how long it actually took from PO to shipping.

Long time lurker of this sub. I regularly fly FBW A320 on MSFS 2020. Kept seeing yall getting excited and satisfied over WinWing's MCDU / PFP so i FOMO'ed in as well lmao. Now i cant wait to not having to move my mouse to the MCDU to and using my mouse click for each button, just for my flight plans

Also, any Canadians in here who's got their hands on the MCDU? I'd love some info on how long it actually took from PO to shipping.