How useful are the Auroch reels?

Playing FFX for the first time. I made it all the way to Zanarkand Dome before looking it up and finding out I was supposed to play Blitzball to get Wakka's other overdrives. Oops!

Wakka has definitely been the least useful party member, pretty much only valuable for the occasional Buster and to hit flying enemies. Post-Calm Lands he makes for a good capturer, since I'm barely losing any value by depriving him of auto-abilities.

Anyway, enough Wakka slander. I'm sure he'll be more useful in the endgame/postgame with at least the Attack Reels unlocked. I'll bite that bullet and play whatever amount of blitzball is necessary to get them (afaik it's based on story progression so they should drop pretty quickly, assuming I don't have to grind to bring my team up to snuff...? I don't know I didn't touch blitzball once since the story tournament)

What about the Auroch Reels though? AFAIK those have a special icon that leads to a very powerful attack, but is it better than Attack Reels in practice? And more subjectively, even if there is some extra power there, is it worth playing more fucking blitzball to get it?