I paid an electrician to install a charging station at home.

After winging it for a long time with level 1, I was forever toying with the idea of DIYing a level 2 and pulling a permit.
1) Got a pile of 3/4 inch non metallic liquid-tight conduit.
- Found out before I started that one will have a difficult time fishing wire though it. So back it went.
2) Got a collection of schedule 40 pvc conduit, conduit bodies.
- Found out that schedule 40 is used for embedded and underground, and can't be used where mechanical damage is possible. So back it went.
3) Start to try out EMT.
- Found out that bending offsets is a pita.
I could have made EMT work, and would have used conduit bodies to facilitate fishing the wire.
But there were a number of bits that I had a hard time puzzling out. So in the garage it would have been all EMT. But then it would have to enter the wall in the garage, which leads to the basement, at which point I have to lead that into the panel. What to use there. Smurf conduit?
It just remained a messy idea.

I got fed up, and decided that I'm wasting my time on "solutions" that try to compete with how experienced pros would do it.
I simply gave up control, and after a couple of quotes, got an electrician to just go and do it all for me.
He came in with this stiff bulky 6 gauge armored cable and worked it around. He was able to make it one continuous run from panel to EVSE. He led that cable through the wall into the basement under an angle to make a sweep turn.
The whole thing including materials for an about 60 feet run total, including install, was just over a grand Canadian. It was money well spent.
I got a certificate of approval of the ESA - Electrical Safety Authority of Canada. No inspector had to come by to verify, because they know the electrician and the description of the implementation combined with the reputation was enough.

The install looks clean, sound, and it was taken care of for me by a qualified pro.

I encourage other people to do the same! Stop horsing around trying concoct solutions yourself! Pay a guy and it doesn't have to be expensive at all. It's nice if it's done right. The guy that comes in draws from proper qualifications and a lot of experience. You can't compete with that.

Get. An. Electrician! Full stop!