Entitled Mother swears at a family of children

Entitled Mother swears at a family of children

Hi, I fall asleep to this sub but then I remembered this absolute gold mine of a story that I think would be perfect for this.

To set the scene, I work in multiple play schemes around my city, after school clubs, youth club programs and stuff like that. I basically get paid to hang out with kids and teenagers, play games with them and teach them about life. Since I'm relatively younger than most of my colleagues, a lot of these kids view me as the older brother they never had and often compete for my attention, I don't mind though, it's sweet seeing them and I try to distribute my attention equally.

One kid who hates this the most is a young girl name Geo, whenever I'm working, she'll run in and greet me. It is adorable every time. Although, Geo never was the best behaved and had a penchant for lying and throwing tantrums when she doesn't get her way or loses at a game.

Then there was Danni, a quieter girl who was similar in age to Geo, she came from a big family and many of her siblings were also in this club that we ran. She was always looking for friends her own age since her older siblings would often go off in their own.

The two girls got into a very heated fight that my colleague had to break up. Apparently, one was insulting the other and it caused some issues in school. Danni was sent to my colleague and I sat with Geo who was spinning a big tale about what had just happened that went a little something like:

Geo: OP! OP! Danni called me the B-word so I hit her.

OP: Geo, if someone swears at you, what are you supposed to do?

Geo: But OP!

OP: Geo. No, what are you supposed to do?

Geo: get an adult...

OP: and what didn't you do?

Geo: Get an adult...

I then told her to stay on an opposite end of the club to Danni and avoid her until we can sit them both down. I then did my laps of the club, played clubs with some, talked to others about school and played video games with some others. All the while keeping a close eye on Danni and Geo until the former came to sit next to me near the video games. I handed her the spare controller and spoke to her about what happened. According to her, she didn't call Geo a "B-word", she called her a liar for something that happened at school. Apparently Geo had confronted Danni about ignoring her on purpose, but Danni was trying to reassure her that it wasn't intentional. When it got heated, Danni called Geo a liar and then it got physical before it got stopped. She says she was a bit shaken up but went off to eat something.

While they ate, I sat next to one of Danni's siblings who had already stopped eating and asked them to watch out for their little sister on the way home since they all go a similar way. Before it was time to go home however, Danni and Geo got into another fight which this time I stopped from happening. After hearing the "she started it!", "no she started it" I just told both of them to go home and Geo lived closer so she left first. Eventually Danni and her siblings were the only ones left because Danni didn't want to walk there with just her siblings and I offered to walk them to the closest bus station, which my boss was okay with.

We weren't even 3 minutes away before we heard a voice cry out:

EM: Are you the bitches that were picking on my daughter?

OP: Excuse me?

Geo: No, not OP! He isn't with THEM

EM: Tell those brats to stop picking on my little girl!

I'm in shock that this grown woman was swearing at kids, one if which was the same age as her daughter. I turned around and the kids looked terrified but I asked the oldest one if they could get their family home safely and they nodded, pulling the kids away. EM was not happy.

EM: Hey! You can't let them leave!

OP: Miss, do not swear at children (can't believe I had to say that)

EM: But they swore at my baby! Clearly they know the language

OP: I'm not here to say who said what, I'm here to tell YOU not to swear at other children.

EM: Who are you to tell me that?

OP: I'm their caretaker as much as I am your daughter's and I wouldn't let any random adult yell at your child, I'm not letting you do it either.

EM went quiet at this point and Geo had long since ran inside. I walked back to my workplace and told my team everything that happened and they were shocked, say for my boss who apparently knew EM prior to this and didn't believe it was completely out of character, no matter how appalling it was.

Danni and her siblings didn't come to club for a long while after that but we did eventually see them again and they seemed in much better spirits.

Let this be a lesson in basic human decency, do onto others as you want them to do onto you, or your kids.