What I’m most afraid of is being told nothings wrong (first lap)
I (29F) have my first laparoscopy (plus unilateral oophorectomy and salpingectomy cause I do not want children) in December and I am so SO excited I found a doc who finally listened to me and thinks there is going to be endometriosis. Debilitating periods since my first at 15, butt lightning, ovulation pain so bad I spend the day in bed, stabbing cramps all month, random pain in my back and urethra area, pain during sex occasionally(feels literally like being stabbed), when doing back bends feels like something’s tearing, just everything...
Did a million transvaginals and they found cysts in the past but everything “looked fine” and they just kept trying to put me on birth control. I finally found a new doc who after 10 mins had me talking to a surgery scheduler.
Now that it’s actually coming up I’m getting really scared. What if the pain is all in my head? Over a decade of this. What if they find nothings wrong with me? I can’t be on BC because it messes with my moods too much. I’m more scared of there being no explanation for the pain than there being lesions in there. Has anyone else felt this way before their first surgery?? Thanks so much in advance. I just needed to vent/ get some support.