Other countries are currently benefitting from our economic collapse. I have an example.

Things are going to get more expensive and tumultuous in the US, but I learned the rest of the world will move forward as the US makes enemies with other countries and goes on the decline.

Background: I am Asian American while my husband is from a southeast Asian country. We live in the US but are visiting my in laws as we plan our move to their home country to take over their businesses.

My in laws are very successful and influential in their home country, to the point they rub elbows with multi billionaires (literally the richest people in their country) and high ranking politicians are always coming to them for support and donations. They are in a special position where they are actively involved in helping their developing country move from agriculture based to more industry and manufacturing and also have deep insight and connections into their country’s government and policies. They are amazing people who despite their wealth, funnel a lot of it into their community, focusing on creating more jobs and opening schools in rural communities. Looking at them, you would never believe they are so successful.

How others are benefitting: At our first family business meaning in laws told us the government of southeast asian countries believe we have committed economic suicide. They tell us there is a huge surge of Chinese businesses coming to their country to open factories. They are apparently circumventing the tariffs imposed by the new administration and now these small southeast Asian countries that do not have tariffs imposed on them will be basically exporting Chinese products to the US under a different tag (I don’t know the technicalities or details on how this works…this is just the gist of what I understand). China apparently will also be saving money bc labor is cheaper in SEA since cost of living is cheaper. My in laws will likely break into the billionaire bracket soon due to this domino effect. They are being offered multi hundred million contracts in pure profit to open these factories on their many properties. It’s looking like several southeast Asian countries will be financially benefiting from the decisions of the new president. China is already finding loopholes so the new president and his supporters are not sticking it to China like they think or want. In fact, they are improving relations between China and other countries…

My in laws didnt want to profit from the decline of the US because it was the country of freedom and progress. Everyone agrees that it would be terrifying if Russia or China became the new world power. But if it’s going in that direction and the US is hurting international relations and its economy, might as well take advantage and use the benefits to further the progress of their own people.

Edit: this is NOT a pro CCP post. What other country besides the US was as welcoming to different people and ideas and religions?? Before MAGA, the US was one of the safest places for the lgbtq and immigrants…I am PRO AMERICA and worried of the direction we are heading in.

Edit: additional info I shared in a response : I actually asked my in laws if there are tariffs on their country and asked them why Trump will not impose on them as well bc I didn’t understand either. Apparently there are also a LOT of US companies in Southeast Asia (ie car manufacturing. I’ve seen a few GM and Toyota Motor parts factories), especially their country. If they impose tariffs here, the US will basically be imposing tariffs on themselves and it will cost them more to get the products they are making here. The US will not be able to tariff the whole world without making enemies and further isolate themselves.

I guess it’s cheaper for China to make products in SEA,, (cost of labor and cost of living is VERY different here compared to let’s say European countries. I can get a full meal here for a couple of dollars)) and they as well as SEA companies will benefit off each other since the people here are having more jobs. So I guess money isn’t being “wasted” and relations are being improved between the countries. I was shown a couple of the manufacturing factories that in laws sold land for its construction and its employed hundreds of their people now and more new jobs are expected and anticipated. These factories are being built in rural communities that are in poverty with a lack of jobs. I’ve been to one of them and so many new houses are being built as now there are more people moving to these areas. Now the communities are in better developement and people are earning money they never had opportunities before. Management are foreigners though so you’re right that the richer will get richer. Unfortunately that happens all over the world I guess..Again though, I am not an economist and very unfamiliar with the field/world/business I have married into. I am out of my depth and just relaying what I’ve seen and heard so sorry I can’t provide more info clearly and answer more of your questions.