Why is internet so expensive?
I legit don’t understand why UAE is so backwards in the internet offers department. Its is insanely expensive here when compared to so many countries. Imagine i make like 4k dhs salary and from that i have to give 300 dhs just for 12mbps speed wifi at home. And for mobile data i have to spend 100 dhs per month for 15 gb a month🤦🏻I am currently visiting UAE but i lived here for 14 years prior to leaving. Every time i come im flabbergasted by the stupid rates they have. Is this because Etisalat and Du have no competition? When will UAE progress in that department. I cant play games or watch 1440p videos on youtube without constant lag with 12mbps speed here. I haven’t seen people complain about this so im just curious what Dubai residents think about the prices