even ignoring the dragonmarks, the new artificer is pretty nuts

with the reduced crafting times at level 3 combined with access to manifold tools, an artificer can now craft an uncommon weapon, wand, or suit of armor in just 20 hours with help of an assistant (skilled hireling with Arcana, 2 gp per 8 hours), an uncommon potion in 10 hours, or level 1 or 0 spell scroll in 2-4 hours (depending on whether your dm rules spell scrolls can be assisted).

even with the 75% chance of access to raw materials, that is an insane amount of crafting. What these rules mean is that an elf artificer can craft one uncommon magic item for every single day of downtime. Assuming a party only spends about 8 hours a day actively doing things (usually a lot less), that's still 1 item every 2 long rests or 1-2 consumables per long rest. That is crazy