Anyone else having major issues?
I Just want to start by saying that I am beyond exhausted and frustrated. I am 10 weeks pregnant and obviously with that it has raised my sugars so I thought. Just a little backstory I was admitted to the hospital earlier this month because my sugars were massively high and then kept dropping to the point I couldn’t get my sugars up come to find out my Dexcom sensor was faulty by more than 120 points. So I was giving myself significantly more insulin than I needed and then I was stuck at 40 for over three hours in the ER. They were able to find out that it was off by meter testing because they calibrate theirs every day so I went home didn’t have any issues with my next one or two I guess and now I put on the replacement Dexcom sent me yesterday and the same thing is happening again. Keep in mind I have to monitor my sugars extremely close and they want me between 80 and 120 because I’m pregnant. I finally got my sugars the last 48 hours down from in July. My average was 162 and I got it down to 138 the last 48 hours which is a huge accomplishment and less than a month and last night told me I was 40. I woke up tested on my monitor and I was 82. Unfortunately, I didn’t catch the second one so it decided to stop giving me insulin in the middle of the night when it said I was 40 and I shot up to 220 and it’s like I don’t know what I’m supposed to doyesterday I noticed it told me I was low as well during the day when I was in the 70s and was not low and it was saying I was 42 which is massively wrong. I made a ticket with Dexcom and they have yet to respond but I’m terrified. I’m gonna have issues with my baby because this thing is so far off and one time yesterday it was 80 points off saying I was 238 when I was 150 and another, it was almost 100 points off and I calibrated over 20 times so I’m just curious if anybody else is having this issue because if anything happens to my baby, I am going to look into legal action because they are less than helpful and clearly they sent out a bad batch. Thanks for any insight.