Frontotemporal, alcohol-related dementia WITH active alcohol abuse... Any experience out there?
My dad was diagnosed with FTD AND alcohol-related dementia and actively abuses alcohol (+5 gin drinks per night).... Tests are still being run but his progression has been pretty swift over the last 4 years. I'm really curious to hear other people's experiences in a similar situation. How long might I have with him? 2 more years of being mostly lucid? 8 years? He definitely won't stop drinking till he gets into a facility, but he has the money to hire home health for a while. I want to make his last relatively lucid years as good as they can be... How quickly should I be scheduling trips to his favorite places and to see his favorite people? This is so hard.... Yes he's an alcoholic, but he's overall been a good father.
As a point of reference, his current signs and symptoms: major financial irresponsibility, inability/unwillingness to keep his house clean (he lives in literal squalor without a housecleaner), inappropriate comments, can't remember to take medications, I pay all his bills and take him to all doctors appointments because otherwise they wouldn't happen, gotten lost a few times driving, constantly losing wallet, keys, phone (like multiple times a day), obsessive eating, obsessive shopping, short term memory loss, and gets confused by the plot of even Disney movies like Encanto (as an example).... Thanks for reading and your input!