Any tips for anger management while playing killer?

Title says it all, today I picked up killer for the first time in a long while to end my session on and the one game of Deathslingers I played was ass.

I got quite a few hooks in the later half by defending the last Gen and gate but don't really remember how many. The globes I was playing against were teabagging me and just being anoying little shits and I was so fucking pissed when they barely got a four out. I kept missing my shots and M1s cause I play on 7 fps even with low graphics in window mode and it's driving me mad. Told them to play league if they wanna make other people miserable after they probably already had left and walked away from my pc with the game still open.

Not ideal but I guess better than actually strangling someone IRL. I always despised toxic players who let their anger out on others so I really don't like the idea of becoming one. Any tips for how to deal with those anger issues better?