Dating is hard especially when you are a student and working a full time job but yet you still want someone by your side through it all.
Recently ended a potential relationship with a someone because it was not working out. Dating is hard and it sucks. I (M 27). I’m going through a lot of things right now as in college of engineering, working a night time job full time(that I don’t like), and taking care of my dog. I have friends who are engaged or with a SO. To me I tell myself I don’t have time to date why am I trying to date? Then I realize it’s because I want to share my success, my life, memories, and have someone to come home to and talk to. I screwed up in my young 20’s because all I thought about was sex. Now it’s coming around to bite my ass wishing I didn’t pursue someone just for merely sex. Nowadays I just want company, I barely have any friends to hangout with as they all have a life of their own. I usually spend my weekends watching movies, doing chores, studying, playing video games, and walking my dog by myself. I just wish to have someone next to me. Then I look at myself again and say do I even have time to even date? Yes, yes I do I just have not found the person and at the same time I’m busy with my own things. I’m literally tearing up as I write this because man it sucks. I hope to find someone before I graduate because I want to share my success with them and my future.