Accidentally failed “Beast In Me” 10h into the game…

I often wondered why I can’t see races spots on the map but I assumed its unmarked and will show up when I approach, like an Easter egg. Today I decided to look it up, and I saw it’s dependent on a job called “The Beast In Me”. I thought that that’s strange since I never failed a job, so I checked. Turns out it is the ONLY job I failed in, and when I looked back to my saves (thank god I didn’t deleted them although my GOG space is all used up), turned out I failed in this 10 HOURS INTO THE GAME 😭 I don’t even remember this.

So I just completed the job to know the plot, but I had literally 3 vehicles back then and no weapons, money or quickshots so I can’t even go back and enjoy it once a while 🤦🏼‍♂️ Is there any hack to complete the job or reveal the races option deep into my 200h gameplay please? 😅