Will PDX ever fix the Grand Tour bug?

The long story short, there is a really annoying bug with Grand Tours where the Grand Tour automatically ends if you end up getting a war declaration. This should be a fairly common bug -- war declarations are not particularly rare, and yes, it could happen while Grand Tours are happening.


The gist of the bug is this;

  • You plan a tour
  • During your tour, a war breaks out (doesn't matter if you declared the war or otherwise)
  • Once that happens, you get a popup with two options: (1) End the tour prematurely, recouping some of the costs or; (2) Continue the tour.

Now here's the bug -- regardless of what you pick, the tour just ends abruptly. If you pick option 2, none of your costs even get recouped. Now, one may argue that when war breaks out, this is an expected behaviour since war does make tours dangerous but here are the counterpoints:

  • The game description explicitly say that if you pick option 2, the tour will continue. If this is the intended behaviour, the game should tell you that the tour would have ended regardless
  • This only affects Grand Tours. Having a war declared while you are having any other activities (including pilgrimages (where things are more dangerous) or even Grand Weddings) continues the event if you choose to continue.
  • This also triggers if you have a small peasant revolt declared on another continent, far from your Grand Tour itinerary
  • Grand Tours are bloody expensive. This is a super feels bad moment when a weird game quirk causes the costs to be flushed down the toilet. To add insult to injury, the game treats it as if you did have a Grand Tour and the cooldown still applies, even if you visited 0 vassals.

Now, I understand that the correct course of action is to post a bug report. but here's the thing. This is a known issue since at least last year. Case in point:

This bug is also not particularly difficult to reproduce. (triggering a war during a tour isn't that uncommon).

There is a somewhat rarer Grand Tours bug too which randomly happen where you enter a groundhog day loop (sample case here: Needs Info - My character gets stuck during a tour and cannot proceed to the next location | Paradox Interactive Forums) -- thankfully, I haven't experienced it this patch because it is, indeed, rarer.

I don't even need this bug to be fixed -- if there is a workaround that doesn't involve "just don't get warred", I would be happy with that solution.