I've got duck shaped feet, are there any boots that are bigger around the toe box but thinner towards the heel & ankle?

My feet are super wide around the toe box/bal of foot area, but then they narrow down towards the heel and are regular width. Kinda like duck flippers. My mom called me Fred Flintstone because she said my feet looked like caveman feet.

I have to wear extra wide shoes just to fit the ball of my foot & toes. With sneakers it's not a problem because I just leave my laces loose at the bottom but then tighten them more at the top towards my ankle.

With cowboy boots though, it either feels like:

● Wide boots - my heels are loose in the extra wide boot, while my toes feel fine.


● Regular boots or smaller sizes - my heels feel snug but then my toes feel cramped.

It's like there isn't a balance between the two and I'm condemned from ever wearing cowboy boots.

Are there any companies that make wide toe box boots?