I make $25,000 a month as a copywriter while living in Thailand AMA

Been doing this 15 years. A lot has changed obviously especially with the advent of AI tools. Would love to share some insight because I'm bored today. I'll answer anything in depth. FYI I have no formal education I'm just self-taught. I don't have any college education and am a high school dropout.

I have two clients. One pays me $15,000 a month they're a $700 million per year financial publisher. The other pays me $10,000 a month and they're a $150 million per year supplement company. For the financial publisher I mainly write large backend promotions and for the supplement one I'm almost exclusively writing Meta, Insta, and TikTok ads

A Tax return


EDIT 11PM Thai time / 11AM EST:

I am heading out for the night my time. I'll get up tomorrow (I guess around 7 or 8PM EST time ish) to answer any questions that happened during that time.

EDIT: 8:40 am Thai Time / 8:40 PM EST

Back at it. Going through everything now.