Giants are real and many lived/live in Afghanistan.
I was reading up on giants conspiracy theories, accounts and biblical stories of giants throughout history and have noticed a reoccurring theme for them to have 6 fingers while having ginger hair, our just having 6 fingers. One of the most famous conspiracy theories of recent times is the Giant of Kanahar, where a USA army squad fight and kill a giant while in Afghanistan. The giant also reportedly have 6 fingers and toes, ginger hair plus blueish skin. I was very intrigued by this supposed real life encounter with a giant, so I decided to ask my Afghani friend about whether he knows about this. My friend, who immigrated to England in 2020, said that one time while in Afghanistan, , he was visiting a village and then he saw a huge very long grave. He asked the locals of the village what it is and they said a very tall big human is buries there. My friend then proceeded to say that the statues of Buddha were also built by giants. I promise you this is 100% what he said. If what my friend saw was real, then this would mean there is real graves of giants. Now onto the biblical accounts, in the bible 6 fingered giants are mentioned quite alot.