Something terrible is happening in Romania

Our democratic election has been sabotaged by Russian interference.

Sunday, November 24th, election day. Everyone is talking about who's gonna win, debating exit polls, the betting markets (which never lie, money doesn't lie right? they predicted Trump winning), people are constantly asking their friends and family about who will win. There are only big three contenders - Marcel Ciolacu, PSD's corrupt left-wing choice, George Simion, our far-right traditonalist candidate and Elena Lasconi, a center-right promising candidate.

The votes start being counted and out of nowhere, the only pro-Russian candidate, the only indepedent with ZERO Euro campaign candidates starts obliterating the charts, he is absolutely leading. It must be a bubble, right? Nope.

Meet Calin Georgescu. Vladimir Putin's stronger admirer, who has proclaimed through different orthodox fake-christian mysticism speeches about how Romania needs some "Russian wisdom". Besides some TikTok bots, he has no tractions. People do not know him, and I come from a mixed background, my hometown is rural and now I live in a urban area. Be it as it is, polls have had him at best at 5%. The (betting) markets never lie, as they always follow where the money is, predicting even Trump's win, yet this time they manage to somehow miss by a huge margin this underdog candidate. Exit polls have him in third place, which ended up being really shocking, but still far from winning. While all parties paid millions of EUR in campaigns, his budget was zero. He is an independent that was never officially backed by anyone, yet overnight went from 4-5% to 20%.

Turns out, his TikTok-fueled campaign had allegedly skyrocketed his success overnight. This Chinese app that had infiltrated everyone's houses offering an instant-gratification dopamine loop and a horrible smartphone addiction was only and only promoting Georgescu's campaign. Thousands of accounts, with fake names, bot comments, entire Telegram channels with broken Romanian having an exact guide on by-passing TikTok's algorithm into bombarding this faux image of Calinescu in everyone's face. A fake saviour, that sold people hope, that made them believe they are fighting a bigger than themselves. Finally, a real champion that isn't a corrupt politician.

But make no mistake, he has been in deep-state politics for a long, long while. With direct ties to our former communist "Securitate" (secret service). And not only that, but he is Putin's biggest admirer. Someone who wishes "Russian wisdom" upon our own people, a "legionari" supporter who has fetishized this fascist ideology that leds to the deaths of tens of thousands people in Romania, he is a fascist and a Russian puppet. This isn't some media talk, it's his own words.

And now, nobody knows what to do. Our democracy has been hacked on TikTok. This is Russian influence, clear as day. People are running panicked, huge protests are happening in every city, and people are scared. As they want to us to be. This is nothing but an intimidation tactic, showing us "Look what we can do" in an in-your-face method. Hopefully, the Romanian people won't fall for it. We do not want to live under something akin to our communist era again.

Pray for us.