What is the best episode post donald glover
I think its pretty well known that after Glover left the show got worse. Community was still good but a downgrade. But in these 20 something episodes there are still some great episodes. My favorite episode from this mid season 5-6 is mondern espionage. This episode felt like normal over the top community episode and Kumail Ali Nanjiani was awesome as an evil janitor. I know people will say the finale of season 6 will be the best but on rewatches i find myself like this a bit more(the finale is still an amazing episode) please share opinions
I think its pretty well known that after Glover left the show got worse. Community was still good but a downgrade. But in these 20 something episodes there are still some great episodes. My favorite episode from this mid season 5-6 is mondern espionage. This episode felt like normal over the top community episode and Kumail Ali Nanjiani was awesome as an evil janitor. I know people will say the finale of season 6 will be the best but on rewatches i find myself like this a bit more(the finale is still an amazing episode) please share opinions