Locking comments on EC title related posts.

There have been a number of posts about the Ever Crisis dates and the changes in what the title is, and I’ve opted to lock comments for them as a preventative measure, due to people toeing the line on the rules. This doesn’t need to be an “us vs them” debate. Also keep in mind there may be people here who ship both CT AND CA, and they’re just as welcome here as anyone who only ships CT.

This is meant to be a welcoming space, not a space of animosity, or gloating. “Look, we won” posts feel childish, and I don’t think anyone here wants CT fans viewed in that light. If you would view a certain action as unfavourable by a different party, then don’t do it yourself. This sub isn’t meant for toxic behaviour.

Additionally, if you suspect someone is coming here from another sub to cause problems, report it to the mods and we’ll look into it. Someone being an active participant in multiple ship subs (or their post history indicating they ship more than just CT) is perfectly fine. As long as they’re not causing problems, everyone is welcome here.