Meta sweating is getting worse and worse with every new release

I was bored of questing yesterday and decided to start on my AV rep farm at level 56, so I can get some xp along with the rep, which I'm going to have to do anyway. And my god, I've never experienced this level of straight up abuse online or in real life.

Getting told I should off myself because I'm going in before level 60, being told I'm going to get mass reported by people's guilds because I don't have 100% mount...

There's a particularly ugly group on Spineshatter EU that are calling for mass reports of any warrior that doesn't have the optimal spec to tank Van. Like seriously?

This meta attitude is getting worse anytime anything new is coming out and it's got to the level where it is nothing more than pathetic. We are literally playing a rerelease of a game from 2004 people, I'm allowed to have fun. But no, instead I get to see people threatening me, my girlfriend and my family (although empty), because I don't waste my time trying to save 2-5 seconds per AV game.

I rerolled on anniversary with TBC in mind, but I can't think of how bad it's going to be at that point. I wouldn't be surprised if these losers will check that you have enough gold to buy ALL pre-raid bis before you enter the dark portal and iff not they'll mass report you.