Day 5
Day 5 -Sleeping in briefs was definitely better, but when I got an erection it was much more painful. I think just the rubbing of my glans/sutures against the fabric. That being said, only had to get up and walk around/pee once to make them go away, otherwise just took a minute or so of focus to go away. -trying to do half air out and half underwear today to mix things up, I’m sure it would be better for sensitivity to be in underwear but it feels really good to air out when I’m just sitting down.
First day back at work, remote thankfully. So not too much activity. Think I will wait until official day 7 to do a small walk outside with the wife and dogs. -we have puzzles and lots of tv shows to keep us from sex, but it is already extremely difficult to keep my mind off it. Days 1-3 weren’t bad with the mental since things looked awful, now that it’s less pain and I’m not shocked when I see it I just want to use it. It will be a long 6 weeks -still painful to retract to get to the topside sutures, I can see the inner skin drying out a bit when I do which is good. I just hope things calm down to where the scar line is even and I can see everything flaccid to get an idea of what it will look like. -still taking ibuprofen 800 TID, and the bromelain (not sure if it’s doing much, but only 1 day so far) and I only take Tylenol before I shower for some extra relief for trying to clean it better. Could probably do without, but hopefully by day 7 I can do it all without pain and only discomfort. -overall starting to feel a bit more like myself, finding i need to still restrain myself when walking around to not overdo it, which isn’t a bad problem to have.
For any nervous about the hypersensitivity just bit the bullet around day 4/5 and start wearing briefs. It will suck for only 5 seconds and then it’s not bad, there were times last night I forgot I even had anything done since I couldn’t feel the difference. Your brain has a mental block with touching it, you just need to rip the bandaid sooner than later. I feel 1000x better mentally just knowing I’ve taken that step and things will get easier.