CMV: Abortion is murder, I can accept that some murder should be socially acceptable.

I am pro-choice. I would describe my view as aligning with what Bill Clinton said. Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.

I understand that pro-life people call abortion murder and that it's illegal and thus so should be abortion.

The thing is, I agree that it's murder, I'm just okay with murder in a limited range of situations. As I am okay with murder being carried out by the state in some cases of law enforcement and in war.

In several states a homicide of a pregnant woman results in 2 murder charges, so the states (including California) acknowledge that terminating a fetus is murder.

I was taught in 5th grade science that life begins at fertilization, and if it's a "life" then forcibly ending it is murder.

I think the argument that it's not murder came from a need to counter the pro-life argument, not from an honest and logical place.

Is it just an emotional position to hold or is there any science or logic in the argument that abortion isn't murder?

Edit: If you prefer "premeditated killing of a human" to "murder" I can accept that. I used "murder" as that is the language used in the debate by the pro-life people, and I can accept their use of the word and say that I'm okay with that "murder" then (with some limitations). And at present in many states in many cases at present it is not lawful.

Δ: Perhaps we should say "killing a potential human", but that doesn't really counter the pro-life argument of "abortion is murder" quite as effectively to say "I'm okay with killing a potential human" as it is to say "I'm okay with a little limited murder". :)