How is my list?
GPA- ~ 3.6 or 3.7 UW — my school only does weighted 4.25 / 5 Weighted
SAT - 1240 first time ( 650 RW 590 Math) i can get math up to 700 by august, just didn’t prep for it
Rigor- All Honors freshman to junior year Senior coursework- Ap stat, ap calc, ap comp sci A, the rest are honors
comp sci major ECs: 1. Band (9-12) 2 extra ensembles + concert band 2. Track and Field (10-12) varsity 3. Robotics (9-12) 4.Web development projects & learning (10-12) 5. I have to take care of my baby brother (9-12) idk if that’s a EC or not 6. Student Ambassador (10-12) 7.Black Students Society (9-12) 8. Stock Market Club (9-12) 9. Math team (11,12) 10. Starting non profit for underprivileged kids in my area (11,12) i’ll be teaching kids about internet safety and web development , i know it looks like i’m only doing it for college but the kids my area genuinely need help
Awards- NHS and Latin Honor Society
Schools: Likely- Penn State, College of Charleston, Sacred Heart Probable- Rutgers, VT, Syracuse, Baylor Reaches- Lehigh, Northeastern, BU
Gpa is a tad bit low cuz of freshman year (3.6, 4.44, 4.7, 4.9) Weighted ~~~ ( 3.0, 3.9, 4.0 , 4.0) UW and I know i don’t have a lot of leadership but what else is my application lacking?