I'm glad the bill was shot down to prevent the shutdown

Any bill that includes pay raises or increased benefits for elected politicians should be dead on arrival. Why? Because neither party deserves it.

Republicans are sliding into religious fascism, determined to force their beliefs into every aspect of public policy and personal life. On the other hand, Democrats seem to specialize in doing... well, basically nothing of substance. They’re masters at symbolic victories but utterly useless when it comes to delivering meaningful change.

This country is struggling. People are drowning in debt, healthcare is a mess, and housing costs are out of control. Meanwhile, our elected officials seem more interested in padding their wallets than actually fixing anything.

Neither side deserves a pay raise. They should feel the weight of their incompetence just as much as the average American feels the weight of their broken policies. They deserve to have their healthcare for life taken away. I feel for the common man who will be affected by this, but I hope if the government shutdown does go through, they use their time to find another job, because the guys at the top obviously don't care about them.

So yeah, even if it puts me in the weird position of agreeing with Trump, I’m fine with that. Let this bill die. They don’t deserve a single extra penny until they prove they can govern this country responsibly.