random red scabs on cat. please help!!
my kitty (turkish angora) has been getting these red scabs randomly around her skin for a while now. we’ve taken her to the vet a few times and they’ve tested for fleas, ringworm and a bunch of different allergies so we don’t think it’s her diet. sometimes we let her out for about 5-10 mins on our enclosed patio but we’ve stopped thinking she may be allergic to something out there. the scabs stopped appearing so i thought i had figured it out but now they’re back around her ears. i’m really not sure what this could be. she doesn’t seem affected by them at all - her mood, eating, and bathroom habits are all fine but i know it must be bothering her a little bit. not sure what else to do since the vet just told us to put neosporin on the scabs if they come back but didn’t help us figure out what could be happening. can anyone help me out?
my kitty (turkish angora) has been getting these red scabs randomly around her skin for a while now. we’ve taken her to the vet a few times and they’ve tested for fleas, ringworm and a bunch of different allergies so we don’t think it’s her diet. sometimes we let her out for about 5-10 mins on our enclosed patio but we’ve stopped thinking she may be allergic to something out there. the scabs stopped appearing so i thought i had figured it out but now they’re back around her ears. i’m really not sure what this could be. she doesn’t seem affected by them at all - her mood, eating, and bathroom habits are all fine but i know it must be bothering her a little bit. not sure what else to do since the vet just told us to put neosporin on the scabs if they come back but didn’t help us figure out what could be happening. can anyone help me out?