My Cat's Urine Has Suddenly Stopped Clumping In Her Litter Box
I know it probably sounds weird and not very logical, but about a week ago I noticed when cleaning out my cat's litter box that the urine wasn't clumping and instead was a wet mud-like mass that the scoop could not even push through and it made such a mess on the bottom of the litter box that I had to thoroughly clean it out...
I originally didn't think much about it and chalked it up to a random one time anomaly but it happened again the very next day and the next day after that...each time requiring a full cleaning of the litter box because it was such a mess...
I then remembered that I had bought some really hardcore budget litter 3 days before that from Instacart... I'm talking like $6 for 42 lbs cheap budget litter... So I assumed it was the quality of the litter that was not making it clump and the next day I bought a box of Tidy Cats 24/7 Performance clumping litter (which I know isn't exactly top of the line cat litter, but I have bought it many times in the past and never had a problem with it not clumping) and even got a new litter box... but to my surprise, the very next morning when I went to clean out the litter box, the same thing was happening...the urine was not clumping and was a muddy mess that required the litter box be spray cleaned...
That was two days ago and it has continued each of the last two days and I'm at a total loss as to what the problem or reason could be as it doesn't seem logical at all that my cat's urine could randomly just spontaneously stop clumping...
Anyone ever had a similar experience or have any ideas?