Please help, becoming paranoid and anxious, can’t relax

I’m in northern Virginia and a new mom, my paranoia and anxiety is taking over my existence. Over a week ago, I found one adult crawling up a wall in my daughter’s room. I am unfortunately familiar with what I was looking at, so I freaked tf out and started vacuuming everyday twice a day since then. Since then I’ve found TWO more adults in the master bedroom always seeming like they’re crawling up from behind the bed frame. That bed has no space under it meaning it’s like a big king sized box that hasn’t been moved since we moved into this house in August of 2024. I suspect the source might be under there since there is space between the wall and bed frame of the bed for them to crawl in and out. I have never seen these since we moved in in August of 2024. I am crazy cleaning everyday. Here are some current facts about my situation: - I am ONLY finding adults, have found no larvae, fecal matter, shedded skins. - I am seeing the adults in the top most floor of my house only. Could this mean they’re getting in from the attic or windows?

I feel like I’ve seen more than enough adults at this point (3 in total) for there to be infestation / source in the upstairs portion of my house. It is a source that is not visible to me. Where could it be? Please help.

Should I reach out to an exterminator? I feel like every second I wait they are somewhere in my house breeding. I can’t move the king bed on my own but I need to know what is going on under that bed. I just feel in my gut that’s where the source might be. Can anyone offer any insight? Advice? Where to check? Washer / Dryer room is also upstairs. Check behind there? Thank you.