is business administration major that bad?

I'm currently trying to figure out what I want to major in during college. I'm interested in business, I like the idea of working something related to management, maybe working in a start up, or even starting a business of my own. I've been going down a rabbit hole of information and have been seeing from others that Business Administration is a shitty major, I realize its vague but does that still apply if I have a concentration in a certain topic? I'm interested in transferring from a Community College to major in Business Administration at a CSU or possibly a UC. As far as concentrations go, I'm looking into management, entrepreneurship, or systems and operations management. I just need some direction because I'm pretty lost in what to study and college is coming far too quick.

P.S. if anyone has some good advice about what colleges are good to go into of the CSU's/UC (I'm preferring CSU right now but my mind can be swayed for sure) I'd appreciate it very much.