Jobs that support cost of living after outsourcing and AI?
I am a medical biller and all of these positions are also being outsourced then eventually replaced by AI. I live in a rural town, UPS $35 an hour under 4 hours will not pay the bills. I am assuming I will end up having to work multiple part time jobs once my position is outsourced, as my coworkers already have been replaced. I have decided to no longer work in healthcare after my job is outsourced, though my bachelors degree is Public Health Management and Policy with a Business minor.
1.) If you had the time/means to relearn a new skill that would support your cost of living, what would it be?
2.) What jobs do you think will not be affected for the next 50 years that people should begin working in that can supplement the cost of living?
3.) What happens to those who cannot move in with family/friends when losing a job? What happens when someone can’t find a job that makes enough money to support their family?
4.) Is there research from other countries related to not enough work being available and the toll it has on things such as homelessness, abuse, crime and suicide rates?