What's a job that leaves a lot of time alone without anything to do for people who need to study/write/do a side project or business on their computer ?

I'm looking for a job with a lot of downtime (ideally 95% downtime) that would allow me to work on my side-projects on my computer while ensuring a small income to survive.

As far as I know, those jobs would fit the description:

  • Hotel night auditor
  • Night security (in some countries like France you need a certification)
  • Night Gas station Clerck in a deserted area
  • Night parking lot attendant
  • Mattress store employee (apparently it's not very busy)
  • Fire lookout (the ones who spend months in a cabin in the woods looking for a forest fire) I think it's only available in summer ?

If you have any ideas, please share them.

You have to be careful with hotel night Auditor because I heard that the 3-star will have lots of downtime but 4 and 5 star hotels will give you way more work (and for a pay that isn't much bigger) and I confirm this.
I have worked as night auditor in a 5 star hotel in a ski station in France, and it didn't have a lot of downtime. It was very chill caus I saw max 5-6 person a night but you always have something to do, do the audit, verify that there isn't a mistake in the receipts of the restaurant, patrol the hotel, clean the chemine, etc