I've been in customer service for many years. No idea what I want to do, but I know it's not this, and I also feel like my window of opportunity for career exploration is closing. What are some good career choices for a moderately disabled dude in his mid 30s?

I'm in my mid 30s and have been in the workforce since I was a teenager, usually in a customer support or service role. The jobs I've worked, in order, are as follows:

  • Service desk at a library - 5 years
  • Janitor at a grocery store - 1 year
  • Customer service at a bakery - 1 year
  • Dishwasher at a college - 3 years
  • Google Analytics at a software startup - 2 years
  • (at this point I got my Bachelors degree)
  • Computer repair at Geek Squad - 3 years
  • Desktop support/analyst/courier at a hospital - 1 year
  • (at this point there was a global pandemic and I was out of work for a bit)
  • 2 years of contract work and odd jobs like Costco, DoorDash, at one point I did door to door work for a telephone company, etc
  • Another desktop support position at another hospital - 4 months
  • Customer support at a software startup - 2 years (I currently work here)

I've never made more than $20/hr, and for most of those jobs, I've been at around half that.

I've had ideas for what I'd like to do (becoming a Librarian, GIS Analyst, Data Analytics, Budtender, Park Ranger, Mycologist, selling my art on Etsy, etc), but generally when I visit the subreddits for the jobs I'd like, I get a unanimous "don't get into this field whatever you do" either because it's saturated or because it's the kind of job that looks great on paper but is terrible in reality, or because it's the kind of job that, like my current job, I'd never be able to make much higher than minimum wage no matter how many hours I put in.

The only thing I can say with any certainty that I'm not interested in is IT.

I have a Bachelors degree in Game Design that I received more than ten years ago and I've never used it. I'm not particularly interested in that field anymore, but I have the paper.

Because of my age, I feel a bit like my window of "you have all the time in the world to explore what you might like" is closing or possibly already closed.

If anyone has any suggestions for decent careers for someone in my position I'm all ears.