Coming To Terms with Dying
I was released from the hospital for about a week now and into hospice at the suggestion of the Drs I had there. While there I got imaging that showed new mets in my spine. There were also a few fractures which I was told were due to the tumors. I was kept for a while to be sure my fevering and high heart rate wasn't related to infection but in the end it was determined that my cancer was to blame for those symptoms.
Right now I'm more bed bound than before, I use a commode, rely on my parents to bring me food and drink, and have so much time on my hands to think about dying.
I think it's best if there is no after life. If that's the case then when I die I won't care about being dead so it's really just the process of dying that will be rough. Still pretty much my entire family is religious so their belief creates this nagging doubt in my mind that maybe there is one and I really don't think any form of afterlife would be appealing.
It feels rough to be contemplating this at age 27 but I know that there are others who are doing the same and that we are all just screwed over by our biology. I wish I knew people who are going through the same thing but I don't know if that would make it better or worse. I'm not very good at socializing with other people, even online (or maybe I lack motivation due to depression) but i feel so alone in this even though logically I know it's not true.
Is there anyone out there who also only has months to live? I want to know how to cope with death better but it seems like that sort of thing is much better accommodated for religious people.