Help me decide on a GPU

So currently upgrading my PC for the first time in a long time and the main component I need is a GPU and kinda stuck between the 4060ti and 4070.

I was initially planning on getting a dual fan 4060ti 8GB for about €400 but saw that I could get triple fan 4070 12GB for about €560. However, I’m clueless with telling how good they are in comparison to each other so I don’t know if it’s really worth it. It kinda exceeds how much I wanna pay but is in a range I’m willing to pay assuming it’s worth it.

So, I was hoping that people might be able to give me a clue as to which it’s splurging the extra money or if there’s even a better alternative for a similar price, thanks.

(Any extra details that might be useful: I have decent coolers so heat isn’t a huge deal, my monitors are 144hz 1080p, I’m not overly fussy where I need games to be running at like 120fps on all high settings)