RANT: brands that lump nursing friendly outfits with bump friendly outfits

Bub and I are almost at 8 months exclusively BF at the breast. Clothing has been one of the surprisingly hard parts of this journey. I lost the "baby weight" quite quickly everywhere except my breasts. I'm rocking some huge boulders these days. It's made clothing so hard because I have to size up so much to fit my chest. I'm a size 6 pant and a size 14 top ATM and I just don't feel good in clothes. It's summer where I am and I just want some cute dresses. I'm so tired of wearing shorts and a t-shirt 😭

So many of the nursing friendly brands lump in nursing friendly with bump friendly. The extra space for the bump makes them tents. I just want a nice normal dress with some extra zips 😭

And don't get me started on BF friendly dresses that aren't bra friendly