Wearing a bra stops leaking (for me)

I’ve never been a person to wear a bra around my house, especially over night. After giving birth I continued to not wear a bra and I leaked everywhere. I also was engorged often. I saw something that said wearing a bra gives compression and you don’t leak. I started wearing a bra all the time other than in the shower, and my leaking stopped nearly immediately. I also stopped being engorged despite being an over producer.

Now we are at 14 weeks and my supply is regulating, LO sleeps through the night so I pump at 10 pm and don’t need to feed until 6 am. I wake up feeling comfortable. Last night I decided to test out if I can go braless to bed.

NOPE woke up multiple times throughout the night because I felt engorged, and woke up in the morning completely soaked. I’ll be wearing bras until we’re done breastfeeding, I suppose.

I know that leaking is extremely common, but I thought I’d post just in case somebody is leaking and just needs a little compression to make their lives easier.