Does it hurt this much for everyone??

My baby was born this morning. Despite a few attempts to pump the week previously, I have no milk (yet). Like not even a tiny tiny drop. The midwife said to just put her on the breast every three hours and it'll start coming in, and there's no rush for her to eat the first 24 hours.

I'm trying to follow this advice but she has a bit of a hard time latching - but whenever she DOES latch, it's absolute agony. Last time she finally got it right on my right breast, I cried out in pain and instinctively pulled away it hurt so bad. I can't bring myself to keep going for even a second.

I had a rather traumatic birth. I'm banged up and still terrified. I just want her to not be hungry. I'm not dead-set on breastfeeding but the midwife is telling me to rent some kind of industrial milking machine to make my milk come in tomorrow.

Please advise. She won't stop crying and I'm afraid she is hungry :(