Boomer Shooters GOTY 2024
Hey guys,
Since the year is steadily approaching its end, I would like to start a discussion about what were your favorite boomer shooters (or any shooters for that matter) that were released this year, be it fully released, early access, a major expansion, etc.
Mostly I’m interested in knowing what great games I’ve missed from this year and maybe find a gem or two that passed me by.
As for mine I’ve got the usual suspects: Selaco, Cultic Mullet Madjack and Anger Foot. I also enjoyed Supplice’s 3rd episode, even if I believe that game is still a bit far off from being as great as others I’ve got to play this year.
Nevertheless, happy holidays everyone and here’s to a great 2025!
edit: played so much Cultic this year I didn't even notice it was actually from 2023, oops. Replaced it with Mullet Madjack as that game is also very much deserving of all the praise it has gotten this year.