IUD insertion, Percocet or no Percocet? Help me decide!
I've had two IUD's in the past but have gone without over the past few years. Mostly because the last time they took it out and tried to put a new one back in was excruciating and they had to stop. I guess my cervix was in a bad position.
So I'm getting one again next week and my new OB, bless her heart, has offered up a ton of options for me. I'm for sure going to take her up on numbing spray and ladocane. I think this will help a ton with what the last OB had trouble with last time. She also offered up anxiety med and percocet for pain. I'm passing on the anxiety med, but I haven't decided whether or not to do the percocet or not.
Aside from the bad positioning pain from last time, the worst part for me has always been the measuring and placement, that cramping of the uterus. I don't think the percocet will really help that, would it? I'm hesitant to take the percocet, I don't like that it's oxy, that stuff scares me, even if it's one pill.
So what do you think? Should I take the percocet or not? Again, I think the numbing spray and ladocane will really help. And I'll also be taking 3 advil beforehand too regardless.
I know this is ultimately my choice, but I'm curious if you all have strong thoughts or opinions. Thanks in advance!