RELENTLESS BV- maybe because of combo pill?

Someone please help me. I am at a loss for how sensitive my vaginal flora is and I'm about to lose it. I have been with the same partner for almost two years and I have MAYBE had ONE WEEK where we had sex and I haven't had BV. I've been on birth control: combo pill, Junel Fe 1/20, for about two years and I can't remember if it was right after starting it, but I have not been able to catch a break with BV since. I've been ordering metrogel online and getting it shipped to my house to have on hand, it's that frequent. Doctor's have just told me to wear condoms and get lost essentially. I was doing some research on BV and everything that can throw off your Ph, and while I know my boyfriend and I not wearing condoms probably doesn't help, it just doesn't feel the same for us if we do. This has led me to thinking that maybe my birth control could be aiding in everything? I was reading about it and the internet said it's possible, but I have no idea if anyone else has had this problem and figured out a way to solve it FOR GOOD. Please share your experiences and help a girl out. I just want to feel confident and comfortable not only during sex but also in my day to day life. As is, we only have sex about once a week since we're both busy with work and don't live together, but I can't keep stressing myself out on ways to fix it so often. I literally dream about just being able to hang out with him any random night and be able to confidently have sex without any worry.