I hate so much one (LONG)

I hate every nanosecond of this miserable heatable and horrible piece of From this algebraniac scum and piece of shit called one I swear if I see it torturing/deleting/kidnapping or simply something painfully horrible to a contestant or the fucking temporal line I swear I'm gonna pause the fucking episode go running from Argentina to yoyleland and delete hid entire existence. I can't stand this piece of shit called one I MEAN LOOK AT THE CONTESTANTS FEELING AT THE END OF THE LAST TPOT EPISODEAND TELL ME THAT YOU DONT WANT TO GET THE FUCK OUT OF ONE THIS IS THE WORST CHARACTER I HAVE EVER WATCHED I SWEAR IM GONNA GO TO CARY'S HOUSE AND THREATEN HIM WITH DEATH IF HE DOESN'T FUCKING ERASE ONE HIPE YOU HAD A GOOD DAY READING GOODBYE.