Reading into January 14th

As we all know by now, Beyoncé announced something’s coming on the 14th of January, probably a tour due to Live Nation reposting. Regardless of what she will announce, the date is like everything she does very intentional and interesting. Why?

  • The Feast of the Ass A medieval celebration of the biblical flight into Egypt that took place on January 14th. It waned in popularity after the Middle Ages. The Ass refers to the donkey that Mary rode with Jesus in her arms into Egypt. Specifically therefore there is an emphasis on the donkey and celebrating the animal. In the middle ages, the prettiest girl in town would ride through town to church reenacting the flight on a donkey (sometimes wooden) with a baby in her arms. The Church didn’t like this celebration, as it was seen as mockery, and successfully suppressed it out of existence.

  • Peter Bruegel the Elder’s Landscape with the Flight into Egypt (1563) A Renaissance painting depicting the Holy Family’s flight into Egypt. Interestingly, it is not set in Egypt/Middle East, but very visibly in a European landscape. Anyhow, the painting represents the length and difficulty of their flight from persecution.

  • Renaissance World Tour How does all this tie to Bey? Well, Beyoncé used this Peter Bruegel painting as a backdrop in an interlude during the RWT. She wears a red Renaissance Couture piece when she stands in front of this painting. During this specific part of the interlude, the now iconic Bey-as-a-child ‘I would like to thank the judges for picking me, my parents who I love, I love you Houston’ plays. Perhaps signifying Bey’s long and difficult way ahead from that moment.

Anyways, this is what I wanted to analyze. Her mind is insane. January 14 is not a random date. Even down to the red font, that actually appears to be very medieval looking to me. But maybe this is when I start to overread. Let me know what you all think in the comments! :)

BONUS: * The Feast of Fools Celebrated on New Year’s Day and a by-product of the aforementioned Feast of the Ass. Also waned alongside the Feast of the Ass due to the Church not liking it and suppressing it. A Lord of Misrule would be elected on Halloween (Oct 31st) and rule until Candlemas (Feb 2nd). Essentially, this feast parodied the Church and it was seen as mockery too. Nevertheless, I’m having my eye out for New Year’s and Candlemas just because of January 14th having been announced. Probably won’t mean a thing, though.