Custom Evolved Advent Cat [Fluff]
I made the evolved form of my custom advent cat, caffeine cat, which you get from my custom advent boss, Earth Breaker Garagory, where you fight 10 Garagorys.
Previously, caffeine cat had targeting, but since I didn’t even have any abilities like resistant or strong, it did nothing, so I gave the first form strong against. In his second form, dynamite cat, he gains resistance. Caffeine cat is supposed to be a very strong front liner that tanks hits and does big damage, and can hold up on his very own pretty well for a short while, since he gets into the front lines, don’t count on stacking him since he will probably die before his recharge comes up. The ultra baa baa cheeses are coming into mind.
How do you think this advent fits into the rest of the advents? And what ideas do you guys have as suggestions that you want me to make? And to those who are saying “courier destroys”, how about you actually read the boss stats and notice that Garagory, being 10 of them, will be able to put range courier and destroy him before he can get hits off.
Anyways, that is all, my next post will probably be the evolved form or the merciless form of Garagory, maybe it will be a brutal stage? Who knows.